// VowelCounter.java // Created by Shahein Tajmir // This program will ask the user for a string then count how many of each lower-case vowel is input and count non-vowel characters // then it will print to the user how many vowels and non-vowels there were in the string. import cs1.Keyboard; import java.util.StringTokenizer; public class VowelCounter { public static void main (String [] args) { String input; int numA = 0, numE = 0, numI = 0, numO = 0, numU = 0, numNonVowel = 0; System.out.println(); // Lovely blank line System.out.println("~~~~~~~~~Vowel Counter~~~~~~~~~"); System.out.println(); System.out.println("Please type a sentence or string: "); input = Keyboard.readString(); for (int letter = 0; letter < input.length(); letter++) { if (input.charAt(letter) == 'a') numA++; else if (input.charAt(letter) == 'e') numE++; else if (input.charAt(letter) == 'i') numI++; else if (input.charAt(letter) == 'o') numO++; else if (input.charAt(letter) == 'u') numU++; else numNonVowel++; } System.out.println("Number of a's: " + numA); System.out.println("Number of e's: " + numE); System.out.println("Number of i's: " + numI); System.out.println("Number of o's: " + numO); System.out.println("Number of u's: " + numU); System.out.println("Number of non-vowels: " + numNonVowel); } }